Roe Deer

Capreolus capreolus

The Roe Deer is the smallest of the Swedish deer. The body aswell as its neck is long. The animal has large ears and the head ends in a pointed snout. The fur is generally reddish-brown throughout the summer and greyish-brown during the winter.


A full-size adult have a height of 70-75 cm, is 70-75 cm long and weighs around 20-30 kg. 

The male is known as the buck, the female is called a doe, and the Cubs are named fawns. The Buck and Doe are quite similar, the buck is just a couple of pounds heavier than the goat. They can therefore be very difficult to distinguish in the wild. The buck bears horns during much of the year and can be easily distinguished from the goat. If you want to determine the sex of the animals without horns, one can look at the rear of the animal. The buck is revealed, due to a string of hair at the sex organ in the abdomen. 


The color of the adult animal fur can vary greatly between different individuals. The Body size and the weight also changes during the year. The Roe Deer weighs as most in late fall and as least in the spring after the tough winter.